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  • 中国2028年将超越美国,成为全球最大的经济体





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  • 为什么氰化物有剧毒?

    首先要知道, 氰化物中有毒的是氰根离子 ,也就是CN-。如果把氰化物中的氰根变成其他的,比如说碳酸根,那么大多数氰化物就没毒了。那为啥氰根离子有毒呢? 因为这玩意能和铁离子结合,而且结合很牢固 。所以基本上铁离子被氰根结合之后,就 不能发挥其本身的生物学功能了






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  • 游族网络创始人因被投毒抢救无效逝世

    • 经济参考网讯 游族网络股份有限公司公告,公司于2020年12月25日收到公司董事长暨总经理、实际控制人、控股股东林奇先生家属的通知,林奇先生因病救治无效于2020年12月25日逝世。
    • 此前游族网络通过官方微信号发布了一则声明,承认了警方通报的投毒案件,公司董事长林奇被投毒,嫌疑人许某就职于某影视公司。公司已向所在市区各级领导做了汇报,并按交易所要求做出公告。


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  • 日本计划发射木制人造卫星

    日本京都大学 和 住友林业公司 宣布启动在太空利用木材的可行性研究,并计划 2023 年发射全球首颗木制人造卫星。据悉 木制卫星的特点是使用完毕进入大气层时 不会像金属材质那样产生有害物质 ,有利于环保。人造卫星通常采用较轻的铝制材料,使用后进入大气层时会燃烧产生氧化铝。据称将留在大气层中几十年,可能对地球环境造成影响 。如果采用木材,不仅不用担心大气污染,还因其不会屏蔽电磁波及磁力,可在内部安装天线和传感器,有望简化结构和降低成本。为了保护设备免受辐射影响,将采用稍厚的板材。

    来源 solidot

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  • 长江从元旦开始禁捕十年

    2021 年 1 月 1 日起,长江流域重点水域(长江干流,鄱阳湖、洞庭湖等大型通江湖泊,大渡河、岷江、沱江、赤水河、嘉陵江、乌江、汉江等重要支流)将实行为期十年的禁捕政策。沿江十省共约 28 万渔民将受此影响,部分水域已于 2020 年 开始实施禁捕。当局承诺为渔民提供技能培训、职业介绍以及信贷等支持,但渔民们表示上岸后工作并不好找,生计难以维持。据悉,过度捕捞的长江流域曾经占中国淡水渔业总产出的 60%,现在却只占不到 1%。有专家表示,仅仅依靠禁渔并不能让长江恢复健康。


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  • 南极洲报告新冠病例

    据智利媒体 报道 ,驻扎在一个智利研究基地的 36 人新冠检测结果呈阳性,使南极洲成为地球上最后一个被新冠病毒“攻陷”的大陆。美国南极洲计划管理委员会警告称,鉴于南极洲的极端环境和有限的医疗卫生资源,病毒可能会对该大陆造成“灾难性”后果。包括这 36 人在内的 60 人已从基地疏散到智利港口城市彭塔阿雷纳斯,并已被隔离。从南极洲返回的一艘智利海军舰船上也有 3 名船员确诊。

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  • Telegram CEO原文

    Telegram CEO原文

    As Telegram approaches 500 million active users, many of you are asking the question – who is going to pay to support this growth? After all, more users mean more expenses for traffic and servers. A project of our size needs at least a few hundred million dollars per year to keep going.

    For most of Telegram’s history, I paid for the expenses of the company from my personal savings. However, with its current growth Telegram is on track to reach billions of users and to require appropriate funding. When a tech project reaches this scale, typically there are two options – start earning money to cover the costs, or sell the company.

    Hence the question – which path will Telegram take? I’d like to make a few points to clarify our plan:

    1. We are not going to sell the company like the founders of Whatsapp. The world needs Telegram to stay independent as a place where users are respected and high-quality service is ensured. Telegram must continue to serve the world as an example of a tech company that strives for perfection and integrity. And, as the sad examples of our predecessors show, that is impossible if you become part of a corporation.
    2. Telegram is here to stay for a long time. We began developing our apps for our personal use over 8 years ago and have come a long way since then. In the process, Telegram changed the way people communicate in several aspects – encryption, functionality, simplicity, design, speed. This journey has just started. There’s much more we can – and will – bring to the world.
    3. In order to make points 1 and 2 possible, Telegram will begin to generate revenue, starting next year. We will do it in accordance with our values and the pledges we have made over the last 7 years. Thanks to our current scale, we will be able to do it in a non-intrusive way. Most users will hardly notice any change.
    4. All the features that are currently free will stay free. We will add some new features for business teams or power users. Some of these features will require more resources and will be paid for by these premium users. Regular users will be able to keep enjoying Telegram – for free, forever.
    5. All parts of Telegram devoted to messaging will remain ad-free. We think that displaying ads in private 1-to-1 chats or group chats is a bad idea. Communication between people should be free of advertising of any sort.
    6. In addition to its messaging component, Telegram has a social networking dimension. Our massive public one-to-many channels can have millions of subscribers each and are more like Twitter feeds. In many markets the owners of such channels display ads to earn money, sometimes using third-party ad platforms. The ads they post look like regular messages, and are often intrusive. We will fix this by introducing our own Ad Platform for public one-to-many channels – one that is user-friendly, respects privacy and allows us to cover the costs of servers and traffic.
    7. If Telegram starts earning money, the community should also benefit. For example, If we monetize large public one-to-many channels via the Ad Platform, the owners of these channels will receive free traffic in proportion to their size. Or, if Telegram introduces premium stickers with additional expressive features, the artists who make stickers of this new type will also get a part of the profit. We want millions of Telegram-based creators and small businesses to thrive, enriching the experience of all our users.

    This is the Telegram way.

    It will allow us to keep innovating and keep growing for decades to come. We will be able to launch countless new features and welcome billions of new users. While doing that, we will remain independent and stay true to our values, redefining how a tech company should operate.

  • Telegram表示将会在明年开始进行盈利性活动

    即时通讯软件Telegram表示,随着用户增多,他们急切需要新的收入来源来支撑昂贵的服务器成本和不断增加的开发成本,预计将会针对公共频道退出官方广告系统,推出会员(premium user/super user)服务。


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